When I was a kid we were always driving by marshes. We could see them from the car as we zoomed by from the highway. There was this one that, in summer, was covered with a thick green algae. Every time we drove by my brother and I would yell: "Sliiiiiimmmmee Piiiiiiiiittttttt!"!!!!!! It was one of the highlights of our young lives. -- I pass by this lot (the one pictured) fairly often. When it's too late to take BART or I just feel like walking home. There are these amazing islands of tall grass that grow out from the cement, they remind me of cattails. I guess this is my urban marsh. I'm sure it will be developed soon, but till then, I'll always enjoy looking down into it from the street... a little wild wasteland in a highrise jungle.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Painter...
"The painter was obviously more concerned to show clearly the high priest's gesture of rejection than to draw correctly details which have nothing to do with the actions."
Priorities. What is accurate representation? The painter removes the column to reveal the priest. One accuracy is sacrificed for another.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Floating Scissors
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Recology San Francisco
Last weekend I went on the tour of Recology San Francisco in preparation for applying to their artist residency. That place is amazing! I highly recommend checking it out. It makes such a difference to be reminded that trash & recycling don't cease to exist after they are thrown into a container and out of site.

Image 7: Last but not least: Public Disposal.
Images in order from top to bottom
Image 1: "Treasure Hill"
Items gleaned by employees from the cacophony of detritus delivered daily to the "dump"
Image 2: Unloading the trash.... I forget exactly what happens here.... and where this stuff goes... It might go to another station where it gets sorted...
(Anybody remember?)
....update: Micah, our tour guide, refreshed my memory... this site is the Transfer Station. "The transfer station is the building where all the trash (black bin) in San Francisco goes to be transferred into larger trucks and taken to the landfill in Altamont. Nothing in the black bin gets sorted. That’s why its so important for residence to know how to use their bins." -Thanks Micah!
An interesting thing about this area was that it was frequented by Gulls.
I inquired about what the relationship was between Recology and the Gulls and what I found out was Amazing! Apparently the company struggles to keep the birds out of this area where they can get injured and likely ingest harmful debris. Well, they've tried loads and loads of deterrents and what they've ended up with is a falconer! They've enlisted the services of a professional falconer who brings falcons to the site Monday - Friday. The presence of predators in the vicinity has kept the Gulls mostly at bay! It's fascinating that after many manufactured attempts (streamers, barriers, etc.) it is a natural dynamic that succeeds. Seems like there is a lesson there that has relevance to issue of waste management: that what we try to accomplish through invention, often can be achieved by noticing what is already there.
Image 3: (We got to wear cool florescent yellow vests.)
Image 4: Stepping stone made by middle schoolers under the guidance of a resident artist. Materials were found on site.
Image 5: The most recent addition to the sculpture park.
Image 6: Path through the Recology sculpture park.
During the residency artists scavenge and sort through the drop-off center.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Portal To Parallel Dimension Revealed On Cloudless Day
Roberts and his team are continuing to monitor and study the quadrangular threshold and are in the process of orienting a robotic butterfly probe for crossover and further investigation.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
This nice woman explained to me that the yellow (and the white as well) lines on the road are made with plastic now. So she was preparing the yellow plastic substance to be laid down on the new surface on Valencia St.
I love the aesthetics of construction zones. So much high contrast: black and white and florescent yellow and orange. Simple geometric shapes, soot, raw material. They're actually very sensual, primal locations if you think about it... in a gritty sort of way. - I love this set up: the two shoots for yellow and white plastic, the operator directing flames at them and scraping to get a flow going. It's just the basics. Nuts and bolts. "This is how it's done."
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Castle In The Sky
Sometimes the fog seems to wrap around San Francisco like arms, a nest, a snuggie. On this day I was taken by a feeling that we were on some floating island in the sky, hidden from the trials, threats, and concerns of the rest of the world around us. What would it be like to be an invisible self-sustaining community? My initial thought was that it would be somehow liberating. That people would relax, and maybe, just be friends.... I'm such an idealist. The more that I think about it, I suppose people do try to insulate themselves from the rest of the world... I think these groups are usually called: "cults". Then there are also "gated communities" - So much for my utopian vision al la "Ferngully" (eye-rolling here). -- Still, it is strange, and somehow comforting to find oneself enveloped in a mist.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Random(?) Urban Rothko
Sometimes beautiful things pop up in the most unlikely places. Actually, that happens pretty often I guess. Maybe that's one of the characteristics of beauty, that it is a challenge to one's sense of what is expected. And maybe, it is a confluence of grit and banality that indeed encourages beauty to grow.
I saw this red on red door as I was riding my bike home tonight and it grabbed me. The monochromic, layered, and seemingly illegible quality of the graffiti seems unusual (of course, I'm hardly an expert, but I'm more interested than many and I do pay attention). Anyway, the marks seem to be layered as if over a long time, and yet there is a uniformity and cohesion to the mass that seems immediate, intentional, and composed. Sometimes, property owners will use a specific color of paint to mask graffiti that appears on their doors/walls. Over time, these cover-ups can begin to look like works in and of themselves. Could that be what's happening here? Not sure... Maybe I'll go ask next week...
In any case, it was lovely to stumble upon on this otherwise grey day.
I saw this red on red door as I was riding my bike home tonight and it grabbed me. The monochromic, layered, and seemingly illegible quality of the graffiti seems unusual (of course, I'm hardly an expert, but I'm more interested than many and I do pay attention). Anyway, the marks seem to be layered as if over a long time, and yet there is a uniformity and cohesion to the mass that seems immediate, intentional, and composed. Sometimes, property owners will use a specific color of paint to mask graffiti that appears on their doors/walls. Over time, these cover-ups can begin to look like works in and of themselves. Could that be what's happening here? Not sure... Maybe I'll go ask next week...
In any case, it was lovely to stumble upon on this otherwise grey day.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Ever Wondered What Escalators Looked Like Underneath?
I never really did either, but it's kind of interesting. I always imagined that all of the steps were connected like some big zipper, or slinky, or like the expandable part of a bendy plastic straw. Not so. Separate steps afterall. Each step, it's own little moving platform. More like the rocks that Ludo calls forth to save them when they're trapped in the Bog of Eternal Stench. (It was 'Ludo' right?)
Friday, July 2, 2010
The Other Pataphysics
Doing some research on Alfred Jarry and I came across this group out of Australia/Singapore. Their lyrics are smart and they make really nice sounds.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
It has been a looooooonnnnnnggggg time since I've posted anything!
Things that have happened in that time:
#1 - I finished my MFA degree at California College of the Arts
I guess that's the main thing. We had our MFA show, which was up for a week from May 6th - 15th. It was great. The Opening was so packed we had to turn people away at the door. Granted, part of that is that the design, architecture, and BFA exhibitions opened the same night, but still I like to consider our show the main attraction.
The month before the show was insane! I completed a written thesis, which I handed in on May 15th (or something like that). It is called "As If By Chance" and is a sort of a mental walking meditation through the subject of "finding".
The thesis project that I did for the show was also about finding.
During my second year I worked on developing an institution called: The Center for the Study of the Phenomenon of Finding. Using the structure of this institution as my backbone I completed several projects that explored the subjective experience of sought and unsought finding. The many projects, and experiments that I engaged in led to the beginnings of a methodology of exploration that could be useful for examining sites and objects. The work that I completed for the MFA show was the first application of this methodology to a specific site.
I engaged The Center (Which is abbreviated CSPF) to set up a field research station in my space in the show. CSPF then conducted an examination of the building, 1111 8th Street, using it's specific methodology. What makes the approach of CSPF unique is that it has recognized that the most important finds we make are often unsought. In other words the things that end up being most valuable to us tend to be things we were not looking for, and perhaps, didn't even know existed. Therefore, CSPF focuses its efforts on collecting specimens and data that are considered to be completely unimportant. For these could very well prove to be the most important for the future!
Anyways, I decided to do this on site project about two weeks before the opening of the show. I created all new work in a totally different way than I'd been working. It was non-stop. And it was great. And it all worked out. -- pictures to come---
Now... I'm out of school. Settled into my new studio. Thinking about how to design my website(s). Etc. Etc.
Okay. Update complete.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Blank Billboard
I love empty billboards. Coming from VT, where billboards are
outlawed, I am always aware of the mental static/traffic that constant
adds and info create. Mental space is highly under-rated. Blank
billboards are like a reminder to take a breath and reset. It's like,
where that space would normally be asking for your attention...
Instead it is giving you an unexpected free moment; framing nothingness.
outlawed, I am always aware of the mental static/traffic that constant
adds and info create. Mental space is highly under-rated. Blank
billboards are like a reminder to take a breath and reset. It's like,
where that space would normally be asking for your attention...
Instead it is giving you an unexpected free moment; framing nothingness.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Gina M. Contreras @ Adobe Books
My Love Is Another Kind
Exhibition dates: January 17- Feb. 21, 2010.Curated by Nicole Lattuca.
Walking into Adobe Books, a smile, welcome, and glass of wine awaiting; Making way through the corridors of books, browsers, relaxers and artists to the back room; entering through a portal into a realm of tenderness, reflection, humour and Love.
Contreras' work skillfully and sensitively portrays scenes of care and affection. Forgoing the typical Stars of our visual Romantic fantasies, Contreras shows us a Love that is educated by time; and despite the sagging breasts, pudgy bellies, and wizened facades, is rich with coy delight, trust, and a warmth that I'm sure we all hope will accompany us into our Golden Years.
Contreras (left) pictured here with curator Nicole Lattuca.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
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